Hon. Secretary: Eugene O'Kane Snr: Eugene is the oldest (in more ways than
one!!) serving officer in Oak Leaf, he is the man responsible for P.R, such as advertising & organising club events,
trips and accomodation etc.
Treasurer: Jim Kelly: Jim, arguably has one of the most important jobs
in the club. Being a self-funded organization we rely on raising our own finances and the man responsible for maintaining
these funds is Jim. He does this job with pride and the club is all the better off for this.
Gerard McGilloway: "SPASY" as he is better known to all in the club, is the most dedicated fundraiser in
the club and has become known for his ability to raise sponsorship for the club in all shapes and sizes!!
Paul Brown: Paul is a dedicated member of the club who is always willing to lend a hand whenever help is
required, he is also our resident marathon runner!! go on paul !!
Aaron Rogan: Aaron is the joker of the club, always sending poor jokes by text!!haha. But he is a valued
member of the club and is responsible for those gruelling circuits that the boxers love so much!!
Eugene O'Kane jnr: Eugene is a former star of the club and former international boxer, his experience is
a valuable asset to everyone in the club.
Kevin McGilloway Ambrose
Liam Fullerton
Gerry McFeeley
Thomas Long Ginger
"leprechaun" McGinley
All the coaches at the club are 100% dedicated to the boxers and we currently are very happy with the high
standard our boxers are setting and continue to set for new upcoming boxers!!